Karina    ID: 1609765

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Age:  20
Birth Date:  12/07/2004
Horoscope Sign:  Cancer
Height:  154
Weight:  52
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Maker-up
Education:  College
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Almaty, Kazakhstan
Date the member of your dreams: Karina from Almaty, member, romantic companionship, Asian
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I asked my friends how I could describe myself in a few words!) They said that my best description is “girl”) and you know... it's true) when I watch a sad movie I cry) when I see balloons I smile like a little girl) I try to be gentle and kind) so yes, maybe for some I'm a girl)) but I don't want to change) I want to be positive and never experience bad emotions) so here I want to find a person who will accept me for who I am) who will take care of me) will make me coffee in the morning
I can say about myself that I am a passionate lover of drawing, and my hobby is creating paintings. I love spending hours with paper and pencil, creating incredible landscapes and exciting scenes in my sketches.
Her Type of Man:
I'm the last woman in your life. And you are the last man in my life. Can you believe it? Can you accept it? I don’t care about the age difference - after all, all people are equal! Why can't we love each other and ignore the age difference? Why? Actually, we can do it! We are only hindered by doubts, stupid stereotypes and fear....... I am ready to save you from these three terrible things. But are you ready for this?
Most gorgeous profiles: Asian American member Karina

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