Quanshan    ID: 1500949

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Age:  39
Birth Date:  03/08/1985
Horoscope Sign:  Leo
Height:  168
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  Master Degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Widow
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Advanced
Other languages:
Residence:  Shanghai, China
Hundreds of gorgeous pictures: Quanshan from Shanghai, member , China
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
My name is shan, I am a mature and economicazlly independent Chinese woman, I am from Shanghai, In business, I am a successful businesswoman. I own real estate czompanies and construction cozmpanies. I also invezst in jewelry and clothes factories, i need to sell my shares out of the company and come live with u. i do not need to get sick and die with all that money, i have, Iife is to short to, so i need to think about yourself sometime. and put myself first, will you support me ? I look forward to exchanging information with to and to ascertain whether we would be compatible as a couple. You can include your email address and phone number in the virtual gift attachment. Once I get your contact information, we will leave this website and make further meeting plans. I’m doing some extensive research on the money transfer, I don't care money all I want is someone to hold,talk to,cherish, support ,who supports me, will you the right one for me ?
I have many Interests and hobbies, especially inzvestment, trazvel, swimming,cooking , I like to do all sorts of inzvestment, including real estate, gozld and z other fiznancial, Due to my business, it is easy for me to get a vizsa to trzavel around the world. I have trazveled to Canada, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and z other places. I like traveling very much and have been to many places around the world. I have been to z your counztry before. I can easily find you there. Will you meet me z at the airport next Weekend ? when I go on a trip and give me a crazy first night at hotel?
Her Type of Man:
i will send you my schedul,the exact date and time, the flight number to you,i always believe that Mine is the best. the man who will belong to me who is is a great man, he must be serious about love and family. i want him to be with me in the future life, willing to help my investment. and also accept flly back to China with me to spend some time. i want us to shaare the new life toogether. we will understand each other too . I hope we can find a way to get in direct contact as soon as possible, i believe e mail is our best Way to communicate. If you feel it necessary please try to set up a call on this site
Gorgeous profiles pictures: young Thai member Quanshan

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