Qin    ID: 1534813

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Age:  34
Birth Date:  29/06/1990
Horoscope Sign:  Cancer
Height:  170
Weight:  48
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  University
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Socially
English Speaking Skills*:  Advanced
Other languages:
Spanish, Italian
Residence:  Chongqing, China
Gorgeous profiles only: Qin from Chongqing, member Asian
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am a girl who loves animals. I keep two dogs and a cat at home. I live alone.they bring much happiness to me in my life , If you were with me, would you love them as much as I do? sweet, sexy, passionate, mischievous
I am like the wine to more years more delicious hahaha. You want to know me I am a very passionate woman and I love to have fun if you do not believe me, turn on your camera. I really like tv series and visiting places surrounded by nature. i love cats are so sweet and naughty. I like to cook very good preparing Colombian food. So if you are lucky one day I will prepare a delicious dish for you I love cooking,reading, doing sports, music, dancing, shopping, movies. I do love traveling.
Her Type of Man:
about who I look for, I want him to be brave, caring, tender, merry, communicative, and sensitive. I want him to love himself so he can love me without problem but at the same time I want him to be tender with me, I want him to be not only my lover but my friend as well. H,and hope he loves to travel, go in adventures, enjoy life, do different activities that keep our every day in action. I like to dine out but also cook, I want someone for the rest if my life, I'm not complicated at all or picky, Im open to find someone who wants to be happy, I have time for dating, and really making effort to find someone, I'm not competitive lady at all, not focused on career or all day at work, I already did all that now I want to dedicate myself to find my happiness. I would like to get married again one day
Gorgeous profiles only: Asian member Qin

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