Positive, able to distinguish right from wrong, influential, like to laugh, cheerful full of life,Feminine, personal, crazy, serious,Sincere and helpful.i am rich and kind heart girl,i have billion usd in my life,i want to jooin yr life.i wish u give me a chance,
i am rich and wealthy,i would lvoe to help u on yr bills and yr debts and yr loans,
i wish u like me
i wish u can invite me to see u for real
i have ready for everyhing
Collect all kinds of brand bags, like to collect all kinds of trucks,Like to sleep on the balcony in the open air, and can hear the music,Like to do boy things, like a quiet person fishing,i like play golf.swimming,i like drive fast car but it is safe.
Her Type of Man:
Can have a positive and optimistic heart,