GuanPing    ID: 1525070

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Age:  33
Birth Date:  26/10/1991
Horoscope Sign:  Scorpio
Height:  165
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Athletic Trainer
Education:  College
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Not Set
Other languages:
Residence:  Changsha, China
Date the member of your dreams: Asian Member GuanPing from Changsha
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
my character is One, lively type Characteristic is indifferent to others, also indifferent to oneself. They are extroverted, talkative and optimistic people who bring endless joy to the world. They embrace everything with great joy, and life gives them more meaning when they accept it with tolerance and without demanding anything. Healthy and active people are willing to share that they think they are happy and enthusiastic. They see happiness and joy as the goal of life.
my interest is you.Your hobby is your direction, your interest is your capital, your temperament is your destiny. Everyone has his own ideal paradise, his own happy world. To their own happy pursuit of the direction to pursue, is the road of your life, do not have to complain about the environment, do not envy others.
Her Type of Man:
I wish you are interesting
Gorgeous profiles only: Asian profile GuanPing

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